Added: 24-Nov-2001 From: Guest Snoops: 9507 times
Length: 2:45
Sound of Snow Falling this is the song played in Kenshin's OVA Samurai X:Trust and Betrayal (i think that's how u spell it) but yea this is where Tomo...
Added: 20-Sep-2006 From: ashley88 Snoops: 9260 times
Length: 1:44
Kasenai Tsumi Nana Kitade i have the FMA ost and i always sing this song out loud! i wonder if my neigbors can hear me. . . .well this song used to be on ...
Opening Theme
From: Guest
Snoops: 9629 times
Length: 4:42
ummmmmm yea... this is the second opening theme....
From: Shint Kenshin Himura
Snoops: 9617 times
Length: 1:55
From: Guest
Snoops: 9614 times
Length: 3:32
I like this music - heard in the anime when Freya's (Chii's sister) personality awakens in Chii (episode 7-8 and 20). This song ...
From: Softwarekiller
Snoops: 9598 times
Length: 3:03
From: bjerico
Snoops: 9583 times
Length: 0:42
From: campo
Snoops: 9575 times
Length: 2:19
i like this song it's like unexpceting. . .like u wouldn't think the song will turn out like that . . . i don't know maybe u jus...
From: Shint Kenshin Himura
Snoops: 9560 times
Length: 5:47
Opening Theme
From: Guest
Snoops: 9507 times
Length: 2:45
this is the song played in Kenshin's OVA Samurai X:Trust and Betrayal (i think that's how u spell it) but yea this is where Tomo...
From: Shint Kenshin Himura
Snoops: 9451 times
Length: 4:42
The 14th ending to Detective Conan
From: lilygurl92
Snoops: 9430 times
Length: 5:19
"Out There" from Disney's "Hunchback of Notre Dame"
From: Guest
Snoops: 9310 times
Length: 3:12
Sailor Moon Moon Crystal Power Make Up! Transformation Anime
From: Guest
Snoops: 9296 times
Length: 0:33
From: Guest
Snoops: 9284 times
Length: 1:59
From: ashley88
Snoops: 9260 times
Length: 1:44
Nana Kitade
i have the FMA ost and i always sing this song out loud! i wonder if my neigbors can hear me. . . .well this song used to be on ...
From: Shint Kenshin Himura
Snoops: 9254 times
Length: 4:17