Seasons of Love (Broadway Musical/R/Rent)
"Great Midi, really nice to sing to. Highly recommended."
joanna 2003-09-10
Mr. Mistoffelees (Broadway Musical/C/Cats)
"this is really bad... can any1 do any better? gimmi some sheet music... ill do alot better~"
user 2006-04-16
Overture to the Cross (Original Compositions/Glenn Bolton)
"This is beautiful and wonderfully arranged. What's with the low rating!? Least now I know what to expect in terms of feedback FOR my music. All the music that's badly arranged has high ratings, and this has a rating of four point something? I don't get it! Rotten philistines!"
Finbar 2003-12-24
Wouldn't It Be Loverly? (Broadway Musical/M/My Fair Lady)
"This is a great midi"
by 2006-08-31
Crazy Train (Rock & Pop/O/Ozzy Osbourne)
"It's good, but the opening is disappointing. The notes don't ring. They are just short strums."
Boneykid 2004-02-29