Spiderman Main Theme (Themes/Movie Themes/S/Spider-Man)
"good an all, but minus a few parts this sounds almost exactly like Gold fingers version, and his cam before yours."
ElectricChain 2006-05-22
J-E-N-O-V-A (Video Games/Sony Playstation/F/Final Fantasy VII)
"this midi is not the samest j-e-n-o-v-a midi, but is now my favorite.(I'm spanish and my English isn't the best, I hope what I don't say nothing ridiculous, hehehe)"
Eriol 2005-01-29
Warner Bros. Theme (Animation/Cartoons/W/Warner Brothers)
"It didn't sound bad, but thats not the warner brothers theme. I think thats the ER theme."
Xanderman 2004-03-11
Beethoven Medley (Original Compositions/sheosdump)
"This medley was absolutely amasing. The songs sort of blended together in one magnifiscent song. Definetely an outstanding performance."
Patman64 2006-04-08
Don't Speak (Rock & Pop/N/No Doubt)
"but its not good to a techno beat"
jap3 2002-10-26