So This is Love (Animation/Disney/Cinderella)
"very melodic but a little boring"
songdans 2003-01-08
Pirates of the Caribbean - Medley (Themes/Movie Themes/P)
"A realy great medly creation, and in some aspects better than the original source. I have programme viewed woth my midi program into this sequence... a clear and ordely partiture I must say; so I transcriped some parts into the modern two staff standart, printed them out and played them on my piano..."
Dustin Nägel / noxus 2004-04-07
Fever (Video Games/D/Dr. Mario)
"Notes and composition is fine but several times it seams like a note was muted. An extremly odd arrangment of instruments. 7 out of 10."
ElectricChain 2006-07-16
Schmuel Song, The (Broadway Musical/L/Last Five Years, The)
"Random G naturals in the bass throughout... just fyi :)"
jgregg 2006-09-04
Don't Rain on My Parade (Broadway Musical/F/Funny Girl)
"A simple piano track would be better than this tinny-sounding version."
Chiasmus Octothorpe 2006-05-12