Close to You - Sena's Piano II (World/Japanese/TV Drama/Long Vacation)
"can you please email me the sheet music for this song? my email is thank you very much."
lilbluedasiz 2006-08-31
Rewrite (Animation/Anime/F/Fullmetal Alchemist)
"Very true to the original song by asian kung fu generation. 9 in my book."
BrandonD 2006-03-10
Grillin' Mines, The (Video Games/Sony Playstation/B/Brave Fencer Musashi)
"I want ther to be sheet music on this song so i can play it."
marc 2004-06-22
Sorrow and Sadness (Animation/Anime/N/Naruto)
"This song most relates to him because Naruto never had family and friends to lose while Sasuke did and was forced to deal with it and the worst part was that his bro was the one who did it"
Drakious 2006-06-19
Addams Family (Themes/TV Themes/A)
"one question are you knew at arranging music. beacuse that was a nice attempt but it was totally off there were notes in there that are not suposed to be in there. it was just....... *shivers* keep it up though i am sure you'll get the hang of it"
Wicked 2006-05-08