Back to Before (Broadway Musical/R/Ragtime)
"Thank you so much- I ADORE IT- it's helping me practice for a big audition and I can't thank you enough.
jenhopediva 2005-08-07
Love (Video Games/Sony Playstation/X/Xenogears)
"hi I really love this song is there music sheet note for it? I would to play it on my piano at home so can you see if there is any?"
dan martin 2003-12-19
Victory (Video Games/Sony Playstation/B/Brave Fencer Musashi)
"I want to see the sheet music for this song so i can play this on my instrament."
marc 2004-06-22
Hyrule Castle (Video Games/Z/Zelda 3 A Link to the Past)
"this song like the game"
zelda rocks 2005-08-19
Mystic Cave Zone (Video Games/S/Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
"Yours is not only the first MCZ midi I listened to, but it is also the best one. You chose a better instrument for the parts after the beginning, no one else had as good of an instrument. That part still isn't quite right though, so I am going to give you a nine."
Bruce Danzar 2006-06-15