Title Screen / Main Theme (Video Games/Microsoft Xbox/H/Halo: Combat Evolved)
"I have quite a bit of experience with the Halo music, and have transcribed a good portion of it (check out the sheet music section of http://www.rampancy.net for my transcriptions). First of all, the rythm is incorrect for the gregorian chant, as well as the tones for a few notes. There are repeat..."
Spencer Anunsen 2004-08-29
Memories (Original Compositions/Finale~midi)
"A very nice song. Nice choice of instruments."
Stephen Barez 2005-11-08
Another Brick in the Wall (Rock & Pop/P/Pink Floyd)
"The intro, my friend, is an entirely different song. Extremely nice MIDI."
Zeppy 2005-11-03
Witchwoods (Video Games/F/Fable)
"Very very well done midi. Fable fans rejoice!"
The indomidable Mr. We 2006-08-01
Colors of the Wind (Animation/Disney/Pocahontas)
"This is by far the best!"
Ella 2004-01-23