Bohemian Rhapsody (Rock & Pop/Q/Queen)
"The midi's very nifty. I kept listening to it for hours, even though the beginning sounds like "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" :)"
LesMiserablesFan 2005-04-11
Prima Donna (Broadway Musical/P/Phantom of the Opera)
"I didn't mean to rate only 1 star! I hope this makes up for it, lol..."
ParisDesiree 2005-07-19
Yuna's Ballad (Video Games/F/Final Fantasy X-2)
"please let this midi stand cause i need the link .TY"
David 2006-01-05
Every Heart (Animation/Anime/I/Inu-Yasha)
"i love the song every heart well really i love all the songs but i love this one the most and even though im an black gurl i goes to show everyone like some kind of diffrent tv show or music"
lilly 2005-10-26
Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee (Broadway Musical/G/Grease)
"Missing key signature... should be in the key of A major. Otherwise, it's not transposed correctly into Cmajor"
Natalie 2006-04-02