Inside the Windmill (Video Games/L/Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time)
"what the hell were u thinking u almost ruined this music shame shame SHAME! "
christov 2006-09-05
Wouldn't It Be Loverly? (Broadway Musical/M/My Fair Lady)
"This is a great midi"
by 2006-08-31
Con Air (Themes/Movie Themes/C)
"I didn't realize it was a karoke MIDI.
I missed the melody line, but what was there was good."
Lady Diamond 2006-10-09
Song of Storms (Video Games/L/Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time)
"....2 messy"
Phantom_Of_The_Opera 2006-01-02
Magnificent Seven, The (Themes/Movie Themes/M)
"honestly, i didn't think it was very good. it did follow the tune of the song, but there was too much space between the notes. if it was something played in an orchestra, it would be the equivilant of someone breathing between each note. it was very choppy and sort of gives you a seasick feel."
moi 2006-03-21