Byakuya (True Light) (Animation/Anime/D/D.N.Angel)
"Thanks for the great song! I've searched for it many times to no avail.
Do you have better sheet music?
All in one group? Like a score with all the parts?
If so, could you provide it?
I love this song.
So here are the lyrics. Note: the words don't start at the very beginning and there are music..."
person 2006-03-01
Armenia (National Anthem/Europe)
"Bad intervals, emphasis, and sound choise. Nice try though; glad to see that someone knows the country exists."
A fellow Hye 2006-02-26
I, Huckleberry, Me (Broadway Musical/B/Big River)
"A cute song with a lot of happy-go-luckyness. The midi itself is lovely...piano for most of the song. Yay! Good stuff."
Galadriel 2002-08-02
It's a Hardknock Life (Broadway Musical/A/Annie)
"just perfect!"
wdd 2006-05-02
Sister Christian (Rock & Pop/N/Night Ranger)
"As a Sister Christian fan, I liked it. "
Ryan Aumann 2006-10-27