A pittle piece of haven by lyn > Track 8 MIDI Events

Item IDDelta TimeEventData (Note, Velocity)
10Sequence/Track nameTrack 6
20Control change100, 0
30Control change101, 0
40Control change6, 12
50Pitch bend
60Control change101, 0
70Control change100, 1
80Control change6, 64
90Control change38, 0
100Control change101, 127
110Control change100, 127
120Control change100, 0
130Control change101, 0
140Control change6, 12
150Pitch bend
160Control change101, 0
170Control change100, 1
180Control change6, 64
190Control change38, 0
200Control change101, 127
210Control change100, 127
220Control change101, 0
230Control change100, 2
240Control change6, 64
250Control change101, 127
260Control change100, 127
270Control change101, 0
280Control change100, 2
290Control change6, 64
300Control change101, 127
310Control change100, 127
320Program change52
330Program change52
340Control change
350Control change
360Control change7, 112
370Control change7, 112
380Control change10, 64
390Control change10, 64
400Control change93, 0
410Control change93, 0
420Control change91, 0
430Control change91, 0
440Control change92, 0
450Control change92, 0
460Control change95, 0
470Control change95, 0
487680Note on58, 95
490Note on43, 95
50960Note off58, 80
510Note off43, 80
520Note on57, 95
530Note on41, 95
541920Note off57, 80
550Note off41, 80
560Note on62, 95
570Note on50, 95
58960Note off62, 80
590Note on55, 95
60960Note off50, 80
610Note off55, 80
620Note on57, 95
630Note on41, 95
64960Note off57, 80
650Note off41, 80
660Note on52, 95
670Note on40, 95
68960Note off52, 80
690Note off40, 80
7095040Note on65, 63
710Note on62, 63
725760Note off65, 80
730Note off62, 80
740Note on67, 63
750Note on62, 63
76960Note off67, 80
770Note off62, 80
780Note on64, 63
790Note on62, 63
80960Note off64, 80
810Note off62, 80
820Note on65, 63
830Note on62, 63
845760Note off65, 80
850Note off62, 80
860Note on67, 63
870Note on62, 63
88960Note off67, 80
890Note off62, 80
900Note on64, 63
910Note on62, 63
92960Note off64, 80
930Note off62, 80
94125760Note on65, 63
950Note on62, 63
965760Note off65, 80
970Note off62, 80
980Note on67, 63
990Note on62, 63
100960Note off67, 80
1010Note off62, 80
1020Note on64, 63
1030Note on62, 63
104960Note off64, 80
1050Note off62, 80
1060Note on65, 63
1070Note on62, 63
1085760Note off65, 80
1090Note off62, 80
1100Note on67, 63
1110Note on62, 63
112960Note off67, 80
1130Note off62, 80
1140Note on64, 63
1150Note on62, 63
116960Note off64, 80
1170Note off62, 80
118167040Note on50, 95
119480Note off50, 80
1200Note on53, 95
121480Note off53, 80
1220Note on52, 95
123480Note off52, 80
1240Note on50, 95
125480Note off50, 80
1260Note on49, 95
127480Note off49, 80
1280Note on50, 95
129240Note off50, 80
1300Note on52, 95
131240Note off52, 80
1320Note on50, 95
133480Note off50, 80
1340Note on45, 95
135480Note off45, 80
1360Note on46, 95
137480Note off46, 80
1380Note on43, 95
139480Note off43, 80
1400Note on45, 95
141480Note off45, 80
1420Note on41, 95
143480Note off41, 80
1440Note on40, 95
145480Note off40, 80
1460Note on41, 95
147240Note off41, 80
1480Note on43, 95
149240Note off43, 80
1500Note on45, 95
151480Note off45, 80
1520Note on49, 95
153480Note off49, 80
1540Note on58, 95
1550Note on43, 95
156960Note off58, 80
1570Note off43, 80
1580Note on57, 95
1590Note on41, 95
1601920Note off57, 80
1610Note off41, 80
1620Note on62, 95
1630Note on50, 95
164960Note off62, 80
1650Note on55, 95
166960Note off50, 80
1670Note off55, 80
1680Note on57, 95
1690Note on41, 95
170960Note off57, 80
1710Note off41, 80
1720Note on52, 95
1730Note on40, 95
174960Note off52, 80
1750Note off40, 80
1760Note on65, 63
1770Note on62, 63
1785760Note off65, 80
1790Note off62, 80
1800Note on67, 63
1810Note on62, 63
182960Note off67, 80
1830Note off62, 80
1840Note on64, 63
1850Note on62, 63
186960Note off64, 80
1870Note off62, 80
1880Note on65, 63
1890Note on62, 63
1905760Note off65, 80
1910Note off62, 80
1920Note on67, 63
1930Note on62, 63
194960Note off67, 80
1950Note off62, 80
1960Note on64, 63
1970Note on62, 63
198960Note off64, 80
1990Note off62, 80
2000End of track
  A pittle piece of haven by lyn
From: Anonymous
Added: 2020-04-23
Hams: 1292 Times
Category: World
Total Tracks: 12
  • 1
  • 2Distortion Guitar
  • 2
  • 4Oboe
  • 3
  • 6Flute
  • 4
  • 15Flute
  • 5
  • 8Acoustic Grand
  • 6
  • 11Clarinet
  • 7
  • 13Choir Aahs
  • 8
  • 16Trumpet
  • 9
  • 16Trumpet
  • 10
  • 16Trumpet
  • 11
  • 1Acoustic Grand
  • 12
  • 0Acoustic Grand
    MIDI for current track