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Lord Abortion Guitar Tablature
Cradle of Filth-Lord Abortion
TAbbed by-sixsixsix (metal_head_6_6_6@msn.com)
Tuned as 2d, g, c, f, 3a, 2d

These are all the riffs and the order is on the bottom.........you know u want to rate it

*-see noteon that riff	.-pm the note		-slide down
x-open mute		~-hold 			/-slide up		
p-pull off		_-trill
h-hammer on		


Riff 2

Riff 3

Riff 4

Riff 5

Riff 6
-7_--5/7/8_--5_--5/7/8-7_ 2--4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Riff 7           *					   **
(*-part a)(**-part b)

Riff 8

Riff 7c

Riff 9

Riff 1x2
Riff 2x2
Riff 3x8
Riff 4x2
Riff 3x4
Riff 2x2
Riff 4x1
Riff 5x2
Riff 6x2
Riff 7ax3
Riff 7bx1
Riff 8x4
Riff 7cx2
Riff 2x4
Riff 3x4
Riff 4x1
Riff 9
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