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Without Judgement Guitar Tablature
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                         From the Album SYMBOLIC
                         Copyright 1995 The All Blacks B.V.

                              Version 2.1 - August 97  
Transcribed by: Richard Broadhead II(Displacer) and Dave Hatfield
for questions, comments, corrections, or newest version please email Rich at
Thanks to Robin van der Harst(deathtab@concepts.nl) for some corrections
Thanks to Czeisu(czesiu@free.polbox.pl) for fixing Riff E

join the death/black tab mailing list by emailing rich@dsrmusic.com

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Tuning:D, tune every string down one step

.  - palm mute                          /  - slide up to                       
  - slide down to                      ~  - vibrato                            
h  - hammer on                          b  - bend 
p  - pull off                              Suffixes for bend    
t  - tap with finger                            f - full bend    h - half bend
() - ghost note                                 r - release      t - tap bend
*  - see comment                                p - pick when bent 

 guitar I
  . .   . .    . .   . .            . .   . .    . .   . .

Play the above Rhythm Twice

 guitar I
| . .   . .    . .   . .            . .   . .    . .   . .
| guitar 2
  . .   . .    . .   . .            . .   . .    . .   . .

Play The above twice

 guitar I
| . .   . .    . .   . .            . .   . .    . .   . .
| guitar 2

Play the above twice

 Riff A
||  . . . .         . . . .     . .   . . . .     .   . . . .     . .
 continuation of Riff A                            | Play First time only
|---------------------------------|---------------------------------*|| GTR I
| . . . .         . . . .     . .   . . . .     .   . . . .        
|---------------------------------|-----------------------------10--*|| GTR II

Riff B                                          (end of Riff B)
|-------7-------6-------9--------|-------7------------------------| GTR I
|-------5-------4-------7--------|-------5-------7-------9--------|   &
|--------------------------7--5--|---------------5-------7--7--5--| GTR II
  . . .   . . .   . . .   ......   . . .   . . .   . . .   ......

Play Riff B a total of four times 

Riff C
|-------------------------| Play This mesaure four times before continueing
|-------8-----------8-----| To the next measure
  . ...   ... . ...   ...

 continuation of Riff C
|-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-----------8-----------8--| GTR
|-------3-----------3-----------3-----------3-----------9-----------9--|  I
| . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...
|-10~---------------------10h12-9~-------------------------------------| GTR
|----------------------------------------------------------------------|  2

 continuation of Riff C
| ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...

 continuationg of Riff C
|   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...   ... . ...

continuation and end of Riff C
|-3-----------3-----------3-| GTR I
|   ... . ...   ... . ...
|---------------------------| GTR II

 Riff D               (end of Riff D)
|-----------------------------2---| GTR I & GTR II

Play Riff D a total of 4 times(last time don't play last note)

 Riff E             (end of Riff E)
     .....   .....   .....   .....

Play Riff E, Riff D, Riff E, Riff D, Riff E, Riff D, Riff E
Except that when you play Riff D, leave off the last note
Rhythm under solo
    .    . .   .           .    . .   .

Play the above rhythm a total of four times

 Tap Riff played by Guitar I

 continuation and end of Tap Riff
* an echo plays the same thing at each * location

Play the Tap Riff a total of three times, the third time play the tap riff 
solo over the tap riff

Tap Riff Solo
  . . . . . .                                    . . . . . .


Play Riff A, Play Riff B four times, Play Riff C, Play Riff D 4 times
But on last time of Riff D don't play last note
Play Riff E, Play D, Riff E, Riff D, Riff E, Riff D
Except that when you play Riff D, leave off the last note
Play Riff E(leave off 4 last notes)
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