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Somewhere I Belong Guitar Tablature
Author/Artist: Linkin Park
Title: Somewhere i belong
Transcribed by: Chris

After watching the 2$ bill concert, both guitars for somewhere I belong when played 
live are tuned to

D#  G#  C#  F#  A#  D#

You can see this by the chords that Mike and Brad play, the harmonic Brad plays and 
that Brad uses the same guitar later on in the concert to play a place for my head  where he plays standard chords and not one fingered chords. 

Intro and verse (Brad)

Chorus (Brad)


Chorus (Mike)


(Brad plays this harmonic after the first verse)

Bridge (Mike plays the chords and Brad plays the octaves and the harmonic)




Outro (Mike and Brad both play the chord but only Brad plays the harmonic)
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