Title:Bitch Author:Meredith Brooks
Copyright: Album:
Category: Tempo:
Tabber:Blinkieboris Key of:
Notes:Nice song
I was looking for a tab of this song and i noticed that most of the tabs f*cked up
Intro +verses (first the drum) play overdrive!!
e :-----------|
B :-----------|
G :-----------|
D :---9~7~----|
A :-7~7~5~----|
E :-5~--------|4x
then play the second part of the intro and its also the second part of verse, played with acoustic guitar.
e :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
B :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
G :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
D :----4~xx7--------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
A :-4~-2~xx5--------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
E :-2~--------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
Chorus (distortion) this is original, but if you play the cords constantly, it sounds a little rockier, if you know what i mean.
e :-----------------|
B :-----------------|
G :-----9~~-----7~~-|
D :-7~~-9~~-4~~-7~~-|
A :-7~~-7~~-4~~-5~~-|
E :-5~~-----2~~-----| 3x
Solo kind of thing played trough the chorus witch is played by overdrive.
not 100 % right, but you can figure it out. you just solo in A pentatonic 17th fret of the high E string
e :-5-7-5-7-2-5-7-9-|7-5--------------|-----------------|
B :-----------------|----11-13b-11----|-----------------|
G :-----------------|-----12--------9-|7----------------|
D :-----------------|-----------------|--9-7-5----------|
A :-----------------|-----------------|--------7-5------|
E :-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
acoustic+elecetric bridge
e :-----------------|
B :-----------------|
G :--4-7-7----------|
D :4-4-7-7----------|
A :4-2-5-5----------|
E :2----------------|2x
For correction and orders mail me boriskleingeltink@hotmail.com
intro part 2
verse part 2
verse part 2
chorus + solo
chorus with variation of muted
chorus with solo