Home > Rock & Pop > Mudvayne >
(K)now F(orever) Guitar Tablature
Artist: MuDvAyNe 
Title: (K)now Forever 
Album: L.D.50 
Transcribed by: ToMmY LaSaLa (Lsk82000@aol.com)

4Xb= do the bar 4X. 
4Xr= do riff 4X. 
pm w/.......= muted. 

  pm..(in.) ....   .....3Xb.  ....   .....   .      (drum beat in last bar..)  

  ....   ...  (tremelo picking...)                                             

  ....   .....   .      ....   ...                      2Xr(from drum beat)    

   (hammer those first 5's.. flat pick 'em)           2Xr                      

   pm ....all but chords.......                      (1 chord) 9Xr(w/stop@5)   

   "I am not..." (ya ya I jumped ahead a bit so figure the orders...)          

   ( this is soposed to be played on A and D strings. I messed it.shut up.)    

   now add this to that hammer riff before and play4X.                         

                                                           stupid rake         


   (play the "I am not riff again before this.(2xb)                            

    "born again"      "I'm repositioning..."          4Xline                   


   OUTRO                                                    REPEAT
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