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Hurt Guitar Tablature
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
Subject: tab/n/nin/hurt.rzr
Reply Me: si1g01@irit.arenes.fr (95)

This Tab:
	Phil Coval	  si1g01@arenes.irit.fr		1995
Previously realised Tab:
	Mike Dare. 	  daremj@vuse.vanderbilt.edu
	?		dan.zink@estate.wa.com

			H U R T [#14] ( NiN/_TDS_ halo 8 )

			 si1g01@arenes.irit.fr (May 95) :-#

[INTRO] White Noise Sample Loop (Even is the whole song: Easy to sample)

[VERSE] Riff-1 x4
   I______	   hurt myself     today   to see if I still feel
   I____         focus on the      pain    the only thing that's real
       the     needle tears a      hole    the old familiar sting
       try___  to kill it all      away    but I remember   everything

[CHORUS-P1] {A Bmin G D} Riff-2a x4
 (later this is done with vibrato or tremelo)


		what have	I become?	my sweetest
 friend		everyone	I know		goes away     |	(in the end)

[CHORUS-P2] Riff-2b x2 (done by piano) w/ Riff-2a
   A				   B
e|:|-12-12--12-12---12-10---9--10--|-10-10--10-10---10-9-7-9-----|   ==
     in the end                      You could have it
       -	-	-	     I will let you

	  G				  D
  ==	e|-9--9---9--9---7--------------|--5--5---5--5---?7-9-10?---|:|
	  all___________, 		    my empire of dirt,
	  down_____			    I will make you hurt

[VERSE] Riff-1 x4

I wear my crown of 	shit		on my liar's chair
full of broken 		thoughts	i cannot repair
beneath the stain of 	time		the feeling disappears
you are someone 	else		i am still right here

[CHORUS] {A-Bmin-G-Dx2} {distorded sound}

B		G		D            		A
what have 	I become?	My sweetest  		friend		,
everyone 	I know		goes away    		in the end	
,you could have it all_____ 	my empire of 		dirt
i will let you  down____ 	i will make you hurt  ||

[OUTRO] {distordion w/Riff-2 ABGD}

if i could start again
a million miles away						(A-x355xx
i would keep myself						(D-355xxx
i would find a way	 si1g01@arenes.irit.fr
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