Home > Rock & Pop > Papa Roach >
Black Clouds Guitar Tablature
Author/Artist: Papa Roach
Title: Black Clouds
Album: lovehatetragedy
Transcribed by: Ben Knight of BrokenH.com
Email: kayohrn@aol.com

Drop-Db (Db, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, Eb)

 Intro/Verse                        Verse Gtr. 2 (Clean)    Intro Siren       

 End of Verse (x4)    Prechorus                                               

 Chorus (Confession, Depression,..)                                           

 Bridge (Clean)    A few times in the end he plays the chorys like this       

Copyright (c) www.BrokenH.com 2002. 

**If you wish to publish this tab elsewhere, you must first seek permission by emailing kayohrn@aol.com.**
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