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Careful With That Axe Eugene Guitar Tablature
Careful with that Axe, Eugene Pompeii - Bass
by Pink Floyd

Note: this is a  bass arrangemnt for guitar, therefore for bass play up an octave on the twelth fret.

Drop D tuning


let notes ring...|
|---0----0----0----0-----------------| then....

let notes ring...|			   repeat throughout verse

Verse 1:

let notes ring...|			   repeat throughout verse

"Careful.....Careful.....With That Axe Eugene"


the built up for the chorus (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! etc.) increase the tempo and volume 



						     repeat through chorus

For chorus



Verse 2/Outro:

as verse 1 and Intro;

let notes ring...|			   repeat throughout verse

"Careful.....Careful.....With That Axe Eugene"

let notes ring...|
|---0----0----0----0-----------------| then....

let notes ring...|			   repeat throughout outro

Last bar
|-0---0---0---0~~~~~~~~~-|  ..........fade out

Note:  watch video and watch Rogert Walters as this may help you get the timing right.
	Some variations are may own work (not all of them) but thay fit the song well.


Richard Harris  giz_hornbeast@hotmail.com
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