Band: Queens of the Stone Age (
Written By: Josh Homme and Nick Oliveri
Song: I Think I Lost My Headache
Album: Rated R (Interscope Records)
Tuning(low-to-high): (down 2 full steps) C F Bb Eb G c
Key: / = slide
h = hammer-on
p = pull-off
b = bend
r = release
* = natural harmonic
( ) = ghost note
x = mute note
~ = vibrato
^ = let ring
# = stompbox on/off
Tab by: Keith Dillon
Gtr. 1 is Distorted
Gtr. 2 is slightly Overdriven
Gtr. 3 is Distorted w/ Reverb & slide
Gtr. 1
Gtr. 1
Gtr. 1
|Gtr. 2 |
Gtr. 1
|Gtr. 2 |
Gtr. 1
|Gtr. 2 |
|Gtr. 3 |
Gtr. 1
|Gtr. 2 |
|Gtr. 3 |
Gtr. 1
|Gtr. 2 |
|Gtr. 3 |
Gtr. 1
|Gtr. 2 |
|Gtr. 3 |
Gtr. 1
|Gtr. 3 |
This tab is right on the dot! Sorry, no lyrics yet.