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"no One Knows" Guitar Tablature
Band: Queens of the Stone Age (www.QOTSA.com)
Song: No One Knows
Album: Songs for the Deaf (Interscope Records)
Tuning(low-to-high): (down 2 full steps) C F Bb Eb G c
Key: /  = slide
      h  = hammer-on
      p  = pull-off
      b  = bend
      r  = release
      *  = natural harmonic
     ( ) = ghost note
      x  = mute note
      ~  = vibrato
      ^  = let ring
      #  = stompbox on/off
Tab by: Keith Dillon guitarhero1@lycos.com





         1.We get some            rules        to      follow
         2.We get these           pills        to      swallow

                that   and  this,              these  and    those
                how   they  stick              in     your   throat

 |1.					      no      one   knows

 (1.)					              (to Verse 2)

 |2.                                                taste  like gold

 (2.)                                                  oh   what   you

     do to me                                        no   one   knows

                                                                  An' I

    re  -  a   -   lize    your   mine

  indeed   a       fool    am     I                               an' I

   re   -   a   -   lize    your  mine

  indeed   a       fool    am     I                 I       (end chorus)


         3.I journey         through        the desert

           of   the      mind,                 with    no     hope

                                                    I   follow

         4.I   drift     along         the ocean

         dead      lifeboat            in the sun

           				        and come    undone


 cavin' in                                        I come    undone

								  An' I

Play Chorus

                                                        (play 2 times)

|------8---------------8---------------8---------9-----bass riff-1-----|

Guitar Solo (3:20):






Bass Riff 2

                5.Heaven smiles          above   me    

     what    a         gift                here                below

                                                    but no  one knows
					       	   gift that you

    give   to      me                               no    one   knows


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