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Calm Like a Bomb Guitar Tablature
Rage Against the Machine
Calm Like A Bomb

Drop A Tuning (A,A,D,G,B,E)
(Even though some of you might prefer just tuning your bottom E string half a step higher, it sounds a lot better if you drop 7½ Steps below E)

Intro (w/Whammy Peda)(Trem.)(8va)(Patch 04)
            +1½         +4½        +7½        +12        

Some of you may not notice, but there is another guitar in the background playing this riff using a wah pedal and a whammy pedal.
(w/wah and whammy)(Set whammy 2 octaves above when fully depressed)

“Stroll through the shanties and the city’s remains…”

“And a riot through the rhyme of the unheard”
(w/wah fully forward)

Pre-Chorus (w/wah)

Chorus (wah off)

Solo (He does a very hard solo, bear with me)
(He either does this using trem. techniques or his toggle switch technique. You decide)


Now here’s the tricky part. (Whammy pedal set for 1 octave above when full depressed, Patch 13)
(Enter w/delay)(play this riff 3x) (w/whammy)       +6


End of Riff             +6

Last part of the solo
                            (whammy off)

(Delay Off) “Calm like a bomb!”

Even though some of you might be confused with the solo but it is close as I can get it. Email me if you happen to be confused.
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