#-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --#
Author/Artist: red hot chili peppers
Title: dosed
Transcribed by: Saverain
Email: saverain@hotmail.com
This is what it sounds like to me and if you don't
like it E-mail me
you'll have to find the lyrics somewhere else sorry.
I are not to good words
v strum down
^ strum up
b bend r release bend h hammer on
m mute / slide up slide down
s strum down slowly
v v ^ v continue rythm intro verse play along with song during
intro during verse last time during first ver
1/2 of intro verse choruspart 1 during chorus part 1
What I can hear v v part 2 v v ^ m v m ^ v m outro/solo
play beginning again