Home > Rock & Pop > Screeching Weasel >
Kamala's Too Nice Guitar Tablature
Chords used in this song:

    D       F#       G#
 E-----   E-----   E-----
 B-----   B-----   B-----
 G-----   G-11--   G-13--
 D-11--   D-11--   D-13--
 A-11--   A--9--   A-11--
 E--9--   E-----   E-----  


D                           D           F#     G#  D
  She took me in her lovely home...


 D(20 Times) F#(4 Times) G#(4 Times) D(8 Times)

 G#(7 Times) F#(7 Times) D(12 Times)


 F#(8 Times) G#(12) D(8 Times)

How it fits together:

Intro   X1
Verse   X1
Chorus  X4
Verse   X2
Chorus  X4
Bridge  X2
Verse   X2  (Vocals, Bass, & Drums, No guitar)
Chorus  X4

That's it... I'm sure I didn't get the # of times you hit each chord 
just listen to the song for that.

***** `&' *********************************************
**     #                                             **
**     #     Any corrections, questions, comments,   **
**    _#_    etc. welcome!                           **
**   ( # )                                           **
**   / O    Kyle Barton (guitarkyle@yahoo.com)      **
**  ( === )      http://www.kylebarton.com           **
**** `---' ********************************************
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