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Oscar Myer Guitar Tablature

a a a a e e e e d d d d a a a a x2


a                                     e           d
i wish i was an oscer myer weiner, cause that is what is really like to be
a                                        e                   d
cause if i was an oscer myer weiner, then every one would be in love with me

intro again

spoken over intro-
oscer myer weiner!
get your hot dog
made with all this *** that nobody else wants from a cow
intestines and guts and eyeballs and marrow
its alll this *** that makes it taste so *** ***ing good!

repeat verse.

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**     #                                             **
**     #     Any corrections, questions, comments,   **
**    _#_    etc. welcome!                           **
**   ( # )                                           **
**   / O    Kyle Barton (guitarkyle@yahoo.com)      **
**  ( === )      http://www.kylebarton.com           **
**** `---' ********************************************
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