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Surf Goddess Guitar Tablature

      C#       G#    F#      B  
3-    6                          4
4-    6         6     4         4
5-    4         6     4         2
6-               4     2

Intro: C#, G#, C#, G#, F#, C#, G#, C#, G#


C#                        G#  C#   G# F#                C#  G#  C#  G# 
It coulda happened to anyone, but it happened to me
I fell in love with a west coast girl, an amazon in ripped jeans
Looking out at Lake Michigan, wishing that I was there
She's hangin' ten out in Hollywood, 2000 miles away


B                                      F#                C#
There's no doubt that you're just about the prettiest girl I have seen
You look so good hangin by the pool you're the only one for me


C#                 B      F#
Surf goddess, i'm in love with you (repeatx3)

solo( which i don't know yet)
play verse chords under solo

I can't make all of the clubs with you, i can't make all your shows
I gotta scrape the ice off the van, i gotta shovel the snow
But if you stop by the montrose beach next time you're in Illonois
I swear i wouldn't tell anyone just don't walk away from your boy

repeat PreChorus


***** `&' *********************************************
**     #                                             **
**     #     Any corrections, questions, comments,   **
**    _#_    etc. welcome!                           **
**   ( # )                                           **
**   / O    Kyle Barton (guitarkyle@yahoo.com)      **
**  ( === )      http://www.kylebarton.com           **
**** `---' ********************************************
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