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Veronica Hates Me Guitar Tablature
[ A / E / A / D / A / D / E ]

A          E                A              D              A
She always has something to say to ruin an otherwise nice day
           E              A       E
She always has to start a fight
A           E              A
She doesn't like the way I think
               D                A           D             E
She don't understand why I must drink to go out on Friday night

But I know what she's doing, I know that I'm losing
I know that she's screwing me

  A              F#             D
Veronica doesn't like the way I dress  (Veronica hates me!)
  A                F#             D
Veronica thinks my hair is such a mess  (Veronica hates me!)
B         D            B            D          B             D
  Why the deposition?    Veronica's definition    of love is hate
         A         G  D
Veronica hates me
         A         G  D
Veronica hates me

She thinks I oughta get a job
And quit taking up space on her couch
Why my hand deep in my crotch
She don't know how to shut her mouth
I don't know what I'd do without
Her around to drag me down

She asks when is the wedding and I'm getting ready
To yank out the net and push

[Repeat Chorus]
         A              G       D
Veronica hates me   But nobody, no
         A         G  D
Veronica hates me     1-2-3-4

[ A / D / E ] Repeat to end (with keyboard)

Keyboard part transcribed for guitar

   A      D          E
and repeat

***** `&' *********************************************
**     #                                             **
**     #     Any corrections, questions, comments,   **
**    _#_    etc. welcome!                           **
**   ( # )                                           **
**   / O    Kyle Barton (guitarkyle@yahoo.com)      **
**  ( === )      http://www.kylebarton.com           **
**** `---' ********************************************
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