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Crutch Guitar Tablature
 Song: Crutch
 Artist: 36 Crazyfists
 Album: Bitterness the star (japan)
 Guitarist: Steve Holt
 Transcribed by: Ryan
 Email: Falling_away_from_nothing@hotmail.com

 Tuning: CGCFAD

 . - Palm mute
 h - Hammer on
 p - Pull off

 Intro/verse w/flanger and some delay
|-----------------------------------------------------------| this is the main verse riff
|-----------------------------------------------------------| there are a couple of
|--7-00-8-00-7-00-8-00-10-8-7h8p7---7-00-8-00-7-00-8-00-5-8-| variations but are all based
|-----------------------------------------------------------| on this riff and are easy
|-----------------------------------------------------------| to figure out.

 Pre chorus

 Pre chorus variation/pre chorus ending


          ..         ....
          ..         ....
          ..         ....
          ..         ....
|-0-7-5-7-00-0-7-5-7-0--| x3
          ..         .
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