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Eyeless Guitar Tablature
#-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --#

Author/Artist: Slipknot
Title: Eyeless
Album: Slipknot
Transcribed by: Jason
Email: slipknot_james4@hotmail.com

Drop D down 1 1/2 steps
B F# B E G# C#

 song opens with mic fdbk not string vibr.                                    

 GTR1 INTRO                                    8x                             

 GTR2 PM-----|       |---|2x then PM---|         |-----| |---|                

 CHORUS                  play 4x                                              

 VERSE "Insane!       Am  I  the  on-ly  muth-a-f***er  with  a  brain?  3x   

 BRIDGE                        "It's all in ure head...."   3x                

 INTER  Gtr1                                                                  


 both Gtrs           x3 then       +o +o +o    ^=grad release w/ wah          

 +=closed  o=open  INTER2 gtr 1 with intro riff x4 then  PM------------------ 

 -------------------------------------------|play again w/o PM   play inter1  

 OUTRO           PM    PM-|  PM-----|          (mutha f***er part)            

 play inter1 slow and w/o wah part  order:INTRO/chorus/verse/chorus/verse/    

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