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Until the Day I Die Guitar Tablature
Standard Tuning.......99.9% correct......find out the picking pattern for yourself but everything else is right..
 you're not that helpless....it's only the first guitar though....i'll do the second one later...

  (palm mute when necessary)

   Intro 2

                                                             (alternate ^that^ with................^this^ whenever necessary..you'll pick it up)

|------------------17------------|--------14------17------16-------14---------17------------17-/-19--17------ -17-/-19---17--------|
  (only play once)                               (only play the second time)

 Chorus cont.
  (this is for the third part of the chorus)   (all single notes are palm muted)

 Chorus cont.
   (only the last time)

  Break Down  (this part does have correct picking pattern)
 (on the last time you play this part, only play the first 12/14 octave of the second set of 12/14 octaves
  when it gets time for it and let it ring, you'll know when)

 Break 2
   (palm mute every note on the A string)

  (^^play that fast for about 8 counts)

  Outro 2
                                                      (let the last octave ring)


Intro                    x9
Intro 2                 x2
Verse                  x4
Intro                    x1
Verse                  x2
Chorus                x1
Intro                    x2
Verse                  x4
Chorus                x1
Break Down         x4
Intro                    x2
Break 2               x4

(play nothing for a while)

Chorus                x1
Outro                  x2
Intro 2                 x2
Outro 2               x1
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