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Grab the Devil By the Horns..... Guitar Tablature
Sum 41 - Grab The Devil By The Horns and *** Him Up The Ass
Standard Tuning

Tabbed by Ryan Pickhardt

Intro: (guitar 1)

(guitar 2)

Intro Chords: (guitar 3?)

Part II: (one guitar plays the chords, the other plays the bottom note
          of the chord very fast and palm muted)

Part II complement: (guitar 2) (each chord is picked very fast and palm muted
                     along with the guitars above)

Then some more guitars come in and play the Intro single line riffs above 
and the drums come in.

Riff III: (guitar 1)
|---5-4-4-5--------2-------2-------2-------2-------2-------2- repeat--|

Riff IV: (guitar 1)

Riff IV: (guitar 2)
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