Home > Rock & Pop > Sum 41 >
Zolo Guitar Tablature
|This solo is 115% perfect|

                              |Standard tuning|
                          ( ^ )=  Hammer on - pull off
                          ( / )=  Slide
                          (FB) =  Full bend 
                          (R)  =  Release bend back to original pitch
                          (HB) =  Half bend


   GUITAR 2: Harmonics


   GUITAR 2: Harmonics

And this is the 3rd guitar fill in the back ground of the solo listen for the timings...  play this twice.


NOTE: at the the of the solo bend the 12th fret E up to F# and release back to E. if you like you can use an electronic tuner to find out what pitch yor bending it to just to polish it up a bit...Good luck!  (this is my first tab so please rate) peace...

If you have any corrections, death threats, just send them to me via E-mail at                          sk8erdude233@hotmail.com
Previous guitar tablature in Sum 41