Home > Rock & Pop > System of a Down >
Aerials Guitar Tablature
By James Hansen 
tuning: C G C G B C

Intro(cello sounding part)

Guitar 1 Intro

                                     Guitar 2 comes in here
Guitar 2(cello sound again)This riff is played while guitar 1 intro is 
whammy bar on all these notes.
|---------------|----------------|(Carry into next measure)---------|


Guitar 2
|----(carry to)--|------------------|-------(carry)---|---------
|--7-(next again)|------------------|---5-------------|---------


Guitar 2

Guitar 1

Verse(heavy distortion)
                              (pm)     (pm)     (pm)    (pm)

Chorus (clean)



Outro/bridge w/dist

                      (pm)      (pm)






Order of song
Intro 1x
Guitar Intro 1x
Verse 3x
Chorus 2x
verse 3x
Bridge/outro 1x

By James Hansen, any probs? Want me to tab something for you? Email me at spak_27@hotmail.com
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