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Lateralus Guitar Tablature
Band: TOOL
Song: Lateralis
CD: Lateralus
Tabbed By: BlindedRhythm
E-mail: MndlessGuitarist@hotmail.com

Tuning: Dropped D (D A D G B E)

Intro (acoustic tone)
Next time play first riff only once then play the second one, do this 6 times.

Chorus (w/ distortion)

1st + 2nd Time

3rd Time

NOTE: For a little while the guitar does nothing then after bass plays high part
the guitar comes in with this:



Repeat Chorus the same exept the third time playing it hold out the notes instead
of stopping them.

The 2nd Verse is played same way except at the end he plays this:

Play Chorus without the 3rd part and hold out the notes when you play a 2nd time.

1st Guitar Solo(w/ wah)




(Wah off)
		    x3		     x2

NOTE: For a minute nothing plays then guitar plays this:




NOTE: Slight distortion comes in at around this part

x=pick scrape

2nd Guitar Solo (w/ wah)
tr=Tremelo Pick


(Wah off)




let ring---------------------------|


  PH	      PH
PH=Pinch Harmonic

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