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The Wallets - Angry Guitar Tablature
The Wallets - Angry

Its my own band , we´re just about one year old , and this is the best of our 9 songs until now ! 
Its a Song , played with two guitars  ; one leading , one rythm .

Guitar 1 ( play it four times ) - distortined
-9 7
-7 5 10 9
-    8  7

Guitar 1 ( play it four times ) - distortined
-9 7
-7 5 10 9
-    8  7

Guitar 2 ( 2 times ) - leading distortined
-0 2 0 2 3 2 0 12  14  12  14  15 14 12
- 0 0 0 0        12  12  12  12

List :

Verse 2
Verse 3
chorus ( x2 )

Lyrics :


i live in an angry world , full hate and war , people die everyday ,
killed of bombs , im happy that I live safely , but im angry 


i am angry , im so angry
i am angry , i fell angry

verse 2

cars pullute the environment , and in 20 years , we´re dead ,
there will be acid rain , im happy that I live safely , but im angry


verse 3

I use my skills as a human , but I dont have to kill , 
no one must be brave , Im happy that i Live safely , but im so angry

chorus ( x2 )
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