Home > Rock & Pop > Vines, The >
Out of Tha Way Guitar Tablature
tabbed by carl

verse chords:

002200 000000 002200 005500 X2
000000 000000 000000 003300
002200 000000 002200 005500

Chorus Chords:

002200 002200 005500 000000
004400 004400 007700 005500

They're repeated all the way through the song at different speeds etc...

NB. Just play the middle two strings and it sounds pretty cool :O)


I get
What I own 
Don't let 
The feelings that I choose 
'Cause everybody else do 


Gotta get outtathaway! 
No time for me to stay 
Everyone in the world dont affect you 

We think 
You're a lot different 
Your number ain't your thing 
Your life is on the wrong end 

Gotta get outtathaway! 
No time for me to stay 
Everyone in the world dont affect you 

CHORUS chords for this bit - slow it down and
do some palm-muting though.


Gotta get outtathaway! 
No time for me to stay 
When I speak out of line 
I don't believe in time
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