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Shut Up Guitar Tablature
caoimhaoinsutton@hotmail.com  (is my address)   PLEK

http://communities.msn.com/KevsMind   (is my website)
ps copy to notepad and ALWAYS use (ANDALE MONO)font

             + BLINK 182----------------SHUT UP +

      [g]  E------0---|-----0---|------0---|-------0-------
      [u]  B----------|---------|----------|---------------
      [i]  G----2---2-|---2---2-|----2---2-|-----2---2-----
1rst  [t]  D----------|---------|----------|---------------
      [a]  A--0-------|-0-------|-4--------|--5------------
  +   [r]  E----------|---------|----------|---------------

      [g]  E--------------------------------------------
  +   [u]  A--------------------------------------------
      [i]  G--------------6-6---7-7-7-------------------
2nd   [t]  D---7-7-7-7----6-6---7-7-7-------------------
      [a]  A---7-7-7-7----4-4---5-5-5-------------------
      [r]  E---5-5-5-5----------------------------------
                 (A)      (C#)   (D)

                     (verse 1)
             Shut the fuk up she said
             Im going fuking deaf
             You're always too loud
             Everythings too loud

             Now that all my friends left
             This place is fuking dead
             I want to move out
             When can we move out

            This shiit has gotta stop.....
             Ill run away.........

                   (verse 2)
            Get the fuk up she says
            You're life is meaningless
            Its going nowhere
            You're going nowhere

            You're just a fuk-up she said
            Ill live alone instead
            She said 'you dont care'
            I know i dont care

                   (verse 3)
            I got you fuked up again
            And passed out on the plane
            Tried to forget you
            I cant forget you

            No sleep on this flight
            Ill think about the nights
            We had to get through
            How did we get through?

E---------------------------------|--------------------  *
B----------------------10--10-----|--------------------  *
G--7-7-7-7-------------9---9------|--4-4-4-4---7-7-7-7-  *
A--5-5-5-5---7-7-7-7--------------|--2-2-2-2---5-5-5-5-  *
E------------5-5-5-5--------------|--------------------  *
     (D)       (A)      (D)            (B)       (D)     *
                    CHORUS                               *             
           *****************************                 *
       Ill never ask permission from you                 *
       Fuk off Im not listening to you                   *
       Im not coming home                                *
       Im never going to come back home                  *

     (E)          (F#)          (A)

  | Ill run away...........               |
  | I think its time for me to leave      |

                     *****Instrumental*****                        (X2)
      [g]  E----------------------------|---------------------------- 
      [u]  A----------------------------|----------------------------
      [i]  G--14-14-14---13-13--11-11---|--18-18-18--16-16--14-14----
1rst  [t]  D----------------------------|----------------------------
      [a]  A--12-12-12---11-11--9--9----|--16-16-16--14-14--12-12----
 +    [r]  E----------------------------|----------------------------
 +                                                  (X4)        |
      [g]  E--------------------------------------------------  |
 +    [u]  A--------------------------------------------------  |
      [i]  G--------------6-6---7-7-7-------------------------  |
2nd   [t]  D---7-7-7-7----6-6---7-7-7-------------------------  |
      [a]  A---7-7-7-7----4-4---5-5-5-------------------------  |
      [r]  E---5-5-5-5----------------------------------------  |
                 (A)      (C#)   (D)                            |
June 10th 2001              |
(Kev 16 Male) IRISH         |
My tabs are always right    |
...songs taken from blink 182 Take Off Your Pants And Jacket
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