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I Don't Have To Wonder Lyrics

Album/Collection: Sevens
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Drove to the Church
In my suit and tie
But i just couldn't bring myself
To go inside

So I sat alone
In my truck across the street
Watched the chauffer smokin' cigarettes
By that long limousine

I could just imagine
What was goin' on in there
Sunlight streamin' through the stained glass
And those flowers in her hair

       And in less time than it takes a tear to fall
       Those bells rang loud as thunder
       As they opened up the doors
       Now I don't have to wonder anymore

Laughin' and cryin'
Tossin' that bouquet
And when you got in that limo
I drove off the other way

And I still don't know
Why thing happened like the did
But I parked that old pickup
On that lonesome river bridge

I took your ring from my pocket
And I held it one last time
Watched that diamond sparkle
I drew back and let her fly

       And in less time than it takes a tear to fall
       Those bells rang loud as thunder
       As they opened up the doors
       Now I don't have to wonder anymore

Well the angels sang like thunder
As I felt my self go under
Now I dont have to wonder anymore


I Don't Have To Wonder Lyrics

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