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Magic Show Lyrics

Album/Collection: All Together Seperate
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Would you believe 
If I turned water to wine? 
Would you believe
If I gave sight to the blind?

Can you calm the storm?
Can you calm the storm?
I could be a man or a myth
I could be the greatest teacher 
the world has ever known
I could be a crazy man
I could be the Son

Would you believe 
If I could walk on an angry sea?
Would you come to me 
If I healed all your disease?
Can you calm the storm?
Can you hush the wind?
Can you hold back the rain?
Can you calm the storm
That rages in the life of a wicked man?


Don't you see that I love you?
Don't you see that I love you?
But you still don't believe
I can tell by the way you roll your eyes
And you still don't believe
And I can tell by the way 
that you live your life


Magic Show Lyrics

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