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Ain't That Lovin' You Lyrics

Album/Collection: Blues
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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You don't know me, baby,
Like I know myself.
I just want to love you, baby,
But you leave me on the shelf.

Ain't that lovin' you, baby?
Ain't that lovin' you, baby?
Ain't that lovin' you, baby?
But you don't even know my name.

Let me tell you something,
I swear to God it's true.
If you give your love to me,
I'm gonna give it all to you.

You know it's true.


They may kill me, baby,
And bury me like they do.
My body will lie, but my spirit's gonna find
Only you.


Ain't That Lovin' You Lyrics

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