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Floating Bridge Lyrics

Album/Collection: Blues
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Well I never will forget that floating bridge.
Lord I never will forget that floating bridge.
Lord I never will forget that floating bridge.
They tell me five minutes time underwater I was hid.

I was going down and I throwed up my hands.
As I was going down I throwed up my hands.
As I was going down I throwed up my hands,
Saying, "Please Lord, take me on dry land."

Well they carried me in the house and they laid me 'cross the bed.
Well they carried me in the house, they laid me 'cross the bed.
Well they carried me in the house, they laid me 'cross the bed.
I couldn't hear nothing but muddy water running 'round my head.

Oh my mother often told me, "Quit playing a bum."
My mother always told me, "Quit playing a bum."
Lord, my mother always told me, "Son, quit playing a bum.
Go out somewhere and make a crumb."

All the people on the bridge was screaming and crying.
Well all the people on the bridge was screaming and crying.
All the people on the bridge stood screaming and crying,
Saying, "Lord have mercy, wher's we g'wine?"

Floating Bridge Lyrics

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