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Joe Lyrics

Album/Collection: To The Faithful Departed!
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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There was a time, I was so lonely. (away)
 Remember the time, It was a Friday. (away)
 You made me feel fine, We did it my way. (away)
I sat on your knees, every Friday. (away)

 (We walked in fields of golden hay)
 I still recall you.
 (We walked in fields of golden hay)
I see you in the summer.

Joe, Joe

 I sat on your chair by the fire. (away)
 Transfixed in a stare taking me higher. (away)
 Precious years to remember. (away)
 Childhood fears I surrender. (away)

 (We walked in fields of golden hay)
 I still recall you.
 (We walked in fields of golden hay)
I see you in the summer.

Joe, Joe

Joe Lyrics

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