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Corrina, Corrina Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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by Bob Dylan (arr)

Corrina, Corrina,
Gal, where you been so long?
Corrina, Corrina, Gal, where you been so long?
I been worr'in' 'bout you, baby,
Baby, please come home.

I got a bird that whistles,
I got a bird that sings.
I got a bird that whistles,
I got a bird that sings.
But I ain' a-got Corrina,
Life don't mean a thing.

Corrina, Corrina,
Gal, you're on my mind.
Corrina, Corrina,
Gal, you're on my mind.
I'm a-thinkin' 'bout you, baby,
I just can't keep from crying.

Corrina, Corrina Lyrics

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