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Around and Around Lyrics

Album/Collection: Steal Your Face
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Well the joint was jumpin', going 'round and 'round,
Hey! realin' and a rockin', what a crazy sound,
Well they never stopped rockin' till the moon went down.

Well it sounds so sweet I had to take me a chance,
I rose out of me seat Lord, I had to dance,
Started moving my feet, well a clapping my hands.

Well I kept on dancin', going 'round and 'round,
Hey! realin' and a rockin', what a crazy sound,
Well they never stopped rockin' till the moon went down.

Well at twelve o'clock Lord, the place was packed,
The front doors was locked Lord, the place was packed,
When the police knocked, those doors they flew back.

Well I kept on dancin', going 'round and 'round,
Hey! realin' and a rockin', what a crazy sound,
Well they never stopped rockin' till the moon went down.

Around and Around Lyrics

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