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Born Cross-Eyed Lyrics

Album/Collection: Anthem of the Sun
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Seems like I've been here before,
Fuzzy then and still so obscure, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
And I don't want to see anybody cry,
Meet me some mornin' in the sweet by and by, by and by, by and by.

Song commin' on,
So pleasin' to see, come and gone, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
You don't have to tell me why,
Meet me some mornin' in the sweet by and by, by and by, by and by.

It ain't cause I'm the only one left darlin',
Bout the time the sun rises west,
Feelin' groovy, lookin' fine.

Think I'll come back here again,
Every now and then from time to time.
My how lovely you are, my dear,
The ball game has gone much too far my dear,
Sing to me, do your thing to me,
I'll meet you some mornin', meet you some mornin',
In the sweet by and by, by and by, by and by.

Born Cross-Eyed Lyrics

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