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Robot Lyrics

Album/Collection: Pxr5
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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( - Calvert - Brock - )
Nine until five or ten until six, up to the city and back to the sticks
You've got to unwind your mind, you've got to unwind your mind
Slip that switch on, your face has got a twitch on
Fuses are blown now you're just doing fine
Air-conditioned, sicro-analysed, very nearly human, you're
so well disguised
Robot, Robot, you're a Robot, Robot
You're warm when it's cold, you're cool when it's hot
Your life is recorded on a micro-dot, Robot, Robot
You'd hold the whole world in your metal claws
if it wasn't for the three laws of robotics
Automated to do as you're asked, you queue for the paper
You queue for the bus, you're a good morning machine
You're a high ioled device
Slip that light up, never put a fight up
Sit there fuming until your face turns green
Air conditioned, sicro-analysed, very nearly human
You're so well disguised

Robot Lyrics

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