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Anesthesia Lyrics

Album/Collection: All Ages
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
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everybody is talking about the girl
who went and killed the delivery man,
but she looks so kind and gentle,
it just doesn't stand to reason,
I saw her right there just the other night
as stately as a slot machine,
but when she looked my way something mad
as hell came over me,

anesthesia, mona lisa, I've got a little gun,
here comes oblivion, 
I never loved you, how did you find me? 
the cops will never complicity now, anna......

all good children go to heaven!
I remember your face that august night
when we lied about the beautiful time to come
and that crazy old man who came much to late
and caused a chain reaction,
I've been hanging out there for eleven long years
like a church mouse where the cat has gone,
and looking at you now 
is driving me to distraction

Anesthesia Lyrics

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