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Sanity Lyrics

Album/Collection: No Control
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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There's a watch in my pocket and its hands are broken.
The face is blank but the gears are turning.
  Confusion is a fundamental state of mind.
  It doesn't really matter what I'm figuring out.
  I'm guaranteed to wind up in a state of doubt
    And sanity is a full-time job
    In a world that is always changing,
    And sanity is a state of mind
    That you believe in, sanity.
There's a shadow on the wall where the paint is peeling.
My body's moving forward but my mind is reeling.
  Depression is a fundamental state of mind.
  It doesn't really matter how my day has turned out.
  I always end up living in this world of doubt
    And sanity is a full-time job
    In a world that is always changing,
    And sanity will make you strong
    If you believe in sanity.
    And sanity is a full-time job
    In a world that is always changing,
    And sanity is a state of mind
    That you believe in, sanity.

Sanity Lyrics

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