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Skyscraper Lyrics

Album/Collection: Recipe For Hate
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(words and music by Mr. brett)

Come let us make bricks
and burn them hard
We'll build a city
with a tower for the world
and climb so we can reach
anything at all
Build me up, Tear me down
like a skyscraper
Build me up, then tear down
These joining Walls
So they can't climb at all
I know why you tore it down that day
You throught, if you got caught
we'd all go away
Like a spoiled little baby
who can't come out to play
You had your revenge
Build me up, tears me down
like a skyscraper
Build me up, then tear down
these joining walls
So they can't climb at all

This file written by Jim Moustakis [Greece]

Skyscraper Lyrics

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