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Little Black Heart Lyrics

Album/Collection: Minor Earth
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I never saw sunlight
Burn as bright
I never felt darkness
The way I feel it tonight

You say it's getting better
You say it's allright

But I never felt darkness
Like I feel it tonight
Little black heart

Raindrops on my window
I can't tell them apart
Like the few things forgiven
In my little black heart

You say it's getting better
We just never got it right

But I never felt darkness
The way I feel it tonight
Little black heart

Some day we will shine
Like the moon in the morning
Like the sun when it's dawning
Yes the sun when it's dawning
The sun

Some day we will shine
Like the moon in the morning
Like the sun when it's dawning
Yes the sun when it's dawning
The sun

Raindrops on my window
I can't tell them apart
Like a few things forgotten
And a few things ignored

You say it's getting better
You say it's allright

But I never felt darkness
The way I feel it tonight
Little black heart

My little black heart

Little Black Heart Lyrics

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